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Energy Psychology: The Way to Overcome Irrational
Fear, Anger, and Anxiety is in Your Hands by Dondi
You feel nervous about a talk you have to give this evening.
But, you try a new technique you have heard about. Your fear dissolves in ten minutes and you deliver a great talk.
caused this change? How did you overcome your irrational fear?
Every time your husband’s ex-wife appears at your
home to pick up her daughter you are filled with jealousy. It makes no sense to your rational mind. This time, however, after
using this new technique, you greet her with a genuine smile. You show her a new appreciation for each of your roles in your
stepdaughter’s life.
What caused these changes?
You have been using Energy Psychology.
Psychology” Is One of the Most Exciting Innovations to Come From Psychotherapy in Decades!
People from many
walks of life now claim that they are eliminating debilitating fears, prolonged grief, irrational jealousies, and pesky anxieties
using simple Energy Psychology techniques.
Even veterans dealing with the intrusion of haunting memories, insomnia,
and phobias are now getting help with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that had in many instances resisted years of psychotherapy.
International treatment teams are also finding that Energy Psychology is the best approach available to them for applying
psychological first-aid in the field after a disaster strikes.
While these claims are extraordinary enough, what’s
most surprising about Energy Psychology is how easy it is to learn and apply.
How Energy Psychology Can Help You
Overcome Irrational Fear, Anxiety, Anger, and Jealousy!
Energy Psychology provides you with freedom from the grip
of irrational fears and anxieties, self-defeating patterns of behavior, and kneejerk reactions to challenging situations.
Energy Psychology accomplishes quickly what even the best talk therapies accomplish only slowly.
Energy Psychology
draws from the principles of acupuncture, but without the use of needles. It has also been called “acupuncture for the
emotions” and “acupuncture without needles.” When you use the techniques of Energy Psychology, you tap acupuncture
points on your body with your fingers.
This is combined with a variety of thoughts, statements, affirmations, and
various physical tasks such as humming and counting. The method ultimately sends signals to the brain that rapidly reprogram
your emotional responses.
Sound strange?
Maybe, but it works. In fact, hundreds of thousands of people are
reporting that it works! The tapping is believed to send signals to the brain that change your brain’s response to the
situation you are visualizing. Neurological patterns that interfere with your success, happiness, and wellbeing can all be
Energy Psychology in the Clinic and in the Home
Some people learn Energy Psychology from a
book. Others learn it from a class or from a therapist or other practitioner. While the tapping itself is easy to learn and
can be done on your own, sound judgment in knowing where to focus your attention is critical. If you decide to learn it from
a therapist or a class, then as with any health care treatment, be sure you do some investigation and find a practitioner
you can trust.
After gaining an understanding of your concerns, a proficient Energy Psychology professional would
have you:
• Focus on a challenging situation or memory that is related to one of your key concerns.
“Rate” the amount of distress it causes you on a scale from 0 to 10
• Explore any internal conflicts
about overcoming the issue and resolve them
• Tap on a series of acupuncture points located on areas such as
your temples, chest, and hands while stating a phrase that describes the emotion you are focusing upon.
• Perform
a number of activities designed to engage both sides of your brain, such as counting or humming a tune.
• Rate
the issue again to get a measure on changes in your internal response to the situation.
After each round, there is
usually a reduction in the intensity of the unwanted emotion. The entire routine requires only a couple of minutes and can
be done multiple times and in different ways, depending on the complexity and severity of the issue.
Helping with
Trauma, Everyday Emotions, and Peak Performance
Along with successfully helping victims of warfare and other cataclysms,
Energy Psychology can be used for releasing you from the aftershocks of personal trauma. With it, you can also free yourself
from the grips of everyday problematic emotions, such as ungrounded fears, anxieties, and jealousies.
In addition to
its problem-oriented focus, Energy Psychology enhances peak performance. From professional athletes to business executives
to caring parents, an understanding of how to work with acupuncture points on your skin can help calibrate your brain to bring
out the best in you.
Author's Bio Dondi Dahlin is a freelance writer with a special interest in Energy Psychology
and how it can help you quickly overcome irrational fear, anger and anxiety. Get her favorite book on the subject, The Promise
of Energy Psychology at http://www.innersource.net/energy_psych/ep_promise_of_ep.htm and learn the simple step by step techniques to quickly change your unwanted emotions, habits
and behaviors.
Anger May Be a Symptom of Your Beliefs by Buck Black
are a variety of reasons a person may become angry. In previous articles, I have discussed the primary feelings that result
in anger and the high expectations one may have, which result in disappointment and subsequent anger. I now want to introduce
how a person’s belief system can cause a great deal of anger, which is based on the work of Albert Ellis.
are your beliefs? Which ones do you hold dear? Which beliefs do you have that do not serve you anymore—or even cause
you harm? A belief is something that you hold to be true. You can think of it as a value system or a list of “shoulds
and should nots.” For example, you could have a belief that everyone should be kind to one another, you should always
get your way, or being a nice person will get you far in life and people will never take advantage of you.
Many of
these beliefs are formed when you are a child. They often are instilled by a parent, teacher, or other person you saw as an
authority figure or mentor. Often, these teachings, (which frequently turn into beliefs) are a fantastic asset. However, we
all develop beliefs that cause problems later down the road. For example, the people who believe they should always get their
way are likely to be substantially angrier compared to those who do have more rational beliefs, such as knowing that you cannot
win every time.
The next time you get upset, take a look at what belief you have that is making you angry. Then, ask
yourself “is my belief rational?” Many times, that belief is not practical or rational. Once you recognize the
problem with this belief, then you can make an adjustment as needed. For example, you may realize that a certain belief you
have is so irrational that there is no way you can remain calm while continuing with this belief. Once you find those beliefs
that are more irrational or absurd, you are so much more likely to be able to control your anger. Another adjustment may be
to add some understanding to your belief. For example, if you believe you should always be treated fairly, it may be helpful
to tell yourself that you deserve to be treated fairly, but you know that there will be times that people try to take advantage
of you—that’s life! In my experience, I get many people in my office who are able to significantly reduce their
anger when they find ways to roll with it, instead of taking it head-on.
You might be thinking, “What if my
belief IS rational?” Testing your beliefs may help you to learn when you have justified anger. Remember, anger is helpful
when used appropriately. Just think of the people who use anger to appropriately stand up for themselves when they are being
taken advantage of. If it were not for justified anger, there would be fewer civil rights, women would not be voting, and
there would be so many more injustices in the world. When anger is justified, remember to use that energy in a positive manner,
instead of being violent, verbally abusive, or doing something else that will end up hurting yourself or others.
Author's Bio Buck Black offers therapy for anger issues through his practice in the Lafayette Indiana
area ( BuckBlack.com) via phone, email, and office visits. He also provides anger and stress management for truckers via phone, webcam, and email
at TruckerTherapy.com
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